Hygienic Clamp Joint : Short Outlet Reducing Tee

Short Outlet Reducing Tee - Hygienic Clamp Joint/詠晟科技股份有限公司专长各类卫生级不锈钢阀类和管配件产品之设计及制造,产品适用于食品加工业、乳酪业、饮料业、生技制药业及半导体产业。

Hygienic Clamp Joint : Short Outlet Reducing Tee



Nominal Size A B Part Number
inch mm. inch mm. inch mm.
3/8 x 1/4 9.53 x 6.35 2.250 57.20 1.000 25.40 2220B001
1/2 x 1/4 12.70 x 6.53 2.375 60.30 1.000 25.40 2220B002
x 3/8 x 9.53 2.375 60.30 1.000 25.40 2220B003
3/4 x 1/4 19.05 x 6.35 2.500 63.50 1.000 25.40 2220B004
x 3/8 x 9.53 2.500 63.50 1.000 25.40 2220B005
x 1/2 x 12.7 2.500 63.50 1.000 25.40 2220B006
1 x 1/4 25.40 x 6.35 2.625 66.70 1.125 28.60 2220B007
x 3/8 x 9.53 2.625 66.70 1.125 28.60 2220B008
x 1/2 x 12.70 2.625 66.70 1.125 28.60 2220B009
x 3/4 x 19.05 2.625 66.70 1.125 28.60 2220B010
1 1/2 x 1/2 38.10 x 12.70 2.875 73.00 1.375 34.90 2220B011
x 3/4 x 19.05 2.875 73.00 1.375 34.90 2220B012
x 1 x  25.40 2.875 73.00 1.375 34.90 2220B013
2 x 1/2 50.80 x 12.70 3.375 85.70 1.625 41.30 2220B014
x 3/4 x 19.05 3.375 85.70 1.625 41.30 2220B015
x 1 x 25.40 3.375 85.70 1.625 41.30 2220B016
x 1 1/2 x 38.10 3.375 85.70 1.625 41.30 2220B017
2 1/2 x 1/2 63.50 x 12.70 3.625 92.10 1.875 47.60 2220B018
x 3/4 x 19.05 3.625 92.10 1.875 47.60 2220B019
x 1 x 25.40 3.625 92.10 1.875 47.60 2220B020
x 1 1/2 x 38.10 3.625 92.10 1.875 47.60 2220B021
x 2 x 50.80 3.625 92.10 1.875 47.60 2220B022
3 x 1/2 76.20 x 12.70 3.875 98.40 2.125 54.00 2220B023
x 3/4 x 19.05 3.875 98.40 2.125 54.00 2220B024
x 1 x 25.40 3.875 98.40 2.125 54.00 2220B025
x  1 1/2 x 38.10 3.875 98.40 2.125 54.00 2220B026
x 2 x 50.80 3.875 98.40 2.125 54.00 2220B027
x 2 1/2 x 63.50 3.875 98.40 2.125 54.00 2220B028
4 x 1/2 101.60 x 12.70 4.750 120.70 2.625 66.70 2220B029
x 3/4 x 19.05 4.750 120.70 2.625 66.70 2220B030
x 1 x 25.40 4.750 120.70 2.625 66.70 2220B031
x 1 1/2 x 38.10 4.750 120.70 2.625 66.70 2220B032
x 2 x 50.80 4.750 120.70 2.625 66.70 2220B033
x 2 1/2 x 63.50 4.750 120.70 2.625 66.70 2220B034
x 3 x 76.20 4.750 120.70 2.625 66.70 2220B035
6 x 1/2 152.40 x 12.70 7.125 181.00 3.625 92.10 2220B036
x 3/4 x 19.05 7.125 181.00 3.625 92.10 2220B037
x 1 x 25.40 7.125 181.00 3.625 92.10 2220B038
x 1 1/2 x 38.10 7.125 181.00 3.625 92.10 2220B039
x 2 x 50.80 7.125 181.00 3.625 92.10 2220B040
x 2 1/2 x 63.50 7.125 181.00 3.625 92.10 2220B041
x 3 x 76.20 7.125 181.00 3.625 92.10 2220B042
x 4 x 101.60 7.125 181.00 3.750 95.30 2220B043


316L, chemical composition in accordance with Table DT-3
304L, 1.4404 and 1.4435 also available

According to ASME BPE-2009 Table DT-5 and Table DT-6

Weld Ends
Weld ends of tubes and fittings are prepared for orbital automatic tube weld

Surface Finish
We provide quality mechanical polish from 32 µ-in through to 15 µ-in.
Electropolishing and other requirements are available upon request.

Test Procedures
Control of dimensions
End preparation
Internal surface roughness measurements
Visual inspection

Product Marking
Besides EVERFIT , we will imprint the part number, heat number,
ASME BPE and surface finish designation

All finish products will be packed to suit the special conditions for
international deliveries.

Certified material test report 3.1 as per DIN EN 10204/ASTM A1016.
Prematerial certification available upon request


ASME BPE Ordering Information


EFTHygienic Clamp Joint : Short Outlet Reducing Tee服务简介

詠晟科技股份有限公司是台湾一家拥有超过47年经验的专业Hygienic Clamp Joint : Short Outlet Reducing Tee生产制造服务商. 我们成立于西元1976年, 在食品, 饮料, 乳制品, 酿造厂, 半导体, 制药业, 生化科技工业领域上,EFT提供专业高品质的Hygienic Clamp Joint : Short Outlet Reducing Tee制造服务,EFT总是可以达成客户各种品质要求
